It has been observed that many children face difficulties in a traditional classroom learning environment. This condition is referred to as learning difficulty which hampers the development of literacy skills and math. Students who are facing learning difficulties can’t concentrate properly and they have poor organizational skills.
Various Learning Difficulties:
Learning Difficulties can be of Different Types:
Dyslexia: People also call it a learning disability. Among various types of Dyslexia, Phonological Dyslexia is the most common. The disability also triggers reading, writing and spelling issues. Children suffering from Dyslexia can lag behind their classmates in the matter of performance in doing homework, reading books, writing notes and assignments.
Dysgraphia: The Dysgraphia influenced children face problem with writing. They come up with texts that are indecipherable. Children suffering from these learning difficulties have a hard time concerning special orientation between words and letters, writing a word or sentence in a straight line. They also have problems in using punctuation, writing within the margins, separating capital and lower case alphabets.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD: Also known as Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, children with ADHD face difficulties in concentrating for a long period, following directions, organizing things, etc. Children having ADHD are impatient and lack impulse control. They tend to generate written work that is sloppy.
Dyspraxia: Children with Dyspraxia face problem in the coordination between the planning and muscles, especially of the hands. They feel pain in gripping pencil and pen, and hence they cannot produce the right amount of text and often end with spelling mistakes. Children with Verbal Dyspraxia speak less as their muscles of throat, mouth, and face are badly affected. Dyspraxia patients cannot hold a paintbrush, play instruments, involve in certain sports, plan and organize tasks.
Dyscalculia: Children with Dyscalculia face difficulties in processing numbers. They find it very problematic in simple arithmetic calculations. Other problems are associated with grouping numbers, doing the correct order of mathematical operations, balancing of equations, etc. They can’t count properly. They can’t write mathematical symbols. Graph related aspects are extremely tough for them.
Effective Ways of Helping Children with Learning Difficulties:
Comprehending the Learning Difficulty: You have to know about the symptoms and the factors that trigger the issues. You need to observe the children with learning difficulties and generate a reliable bond with them. If you gain the kids’ confidence, they will depend on you for proper guidance school kids are more affected by this disability.
Take Help of Educational Institution: Schools can help children with learning difficulties through specialized strategies. Specialists are provided by them who can jointly work with the children. Customized educational plan can be designed for them. They are upgraded with additional time for completing tests.
Healthy Lifestyle should be Incorporated: Children having learning difficulties should be taken care of properly as they need a super healthy lifestyle which includes providing them balanced and nutritious food on the right time, adequate rest and sleep, exercising and engaging in fun activities.
Reward the Child and Praise the Successes: Celebrating children’s success is crucial. Whenever the kid does something good or conquers a specific limitation, praise him or her. Give rewards. These children must get the deserved recognition. Provide positive feedback so that they can get the encouragement to try harder.
Be Calm, Happy and Focused: If you remain focused and calm, you can help your child in a better way. Ask your family members, colleagues and neighbors to help.
Never underestimate the efforts of children with learning difficulties. They are facing challenges every day and are lacks self-esteem and confidence. Hence, they need your help to grow properly and overcome all odds. Let them be healthy responsible citizens. learning difficulties