One of the traditional tea varieties of South America, which is gaining popularity, is Yerba mate. It is an herbal tea made from the leaves and twigs of the Ilex Paraguariensis plant. It is said that it has the health benefits of tea, the strength of coffee, and the pleasure of sipping chocolate. It is good to buy Yerba Mate products.The Yerba Mate leaves are typically dried over a fire, then steeped in hot water to consume the tea. There are numerous benefits of consuming Yerba Mate products. Some of them are highlighted below:
High in Nutrients
The herbal tea contains numerous beneficial plant nutrients viz-
Saponins – This has anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties.
Xanthines – It acts as stimulants. This includes caffeine and theobromine, which is found in tea, coffee, and chocolate.
Caffeoyl derivatives – It is the health-promoting antioxidants in tea.
Polyphenols – It is a group of antioxidants that helps to reduce the risk of many diseases.
The antioxidants power in Yerba Mate teas is slightly higher than Green tea and this is the reason it is gaining more popularity worldwide. It is an antioxidant powerhouse that lures people to buy Yerba Mate products.
Energy and Mental health
Similar to green tea, Yerba Mate tea helps to boost energy and improve mental health in a human. The 85mg of caffeine per cup in Yerba Mate is less than caffeine present in coffee but more than that of a cup of tea. Thus, it makes you feel more energetic and less tired.
Certain signaling molecules in our brain are affected by caffeine, which is beneficial for our mental health and alertness.
Enhance Physical Performance
The decent amount of caffeine present in the Yerba Mate tea allows the enhancement of physical performance. Caffeine is known to improve sports performance, reduce fatigue, and fight the problem of muscle contractions. It is said that it is really helpful to burn 24% more fat during a moderate-intensity workout if consumed right before the workout. Thus, if you love exercise then you must buy Yerba Mate products.
Lose Weight and helps in Belly Fat Reduction
Yerba Mate may decrease appetite and boost metabolism, which is important for weight loss. It is also said to increase the fat that’s burned for fuel. The study shows that if 3 grams of Yerba Mate powder is consumed daily for 12 weeks then a person can lose weight on an average of 0.7kg. Hence, what are you thinking? If you want to lose weight then go and buy Yerba Mate products.
Boost Immune System
Saponines present in the Yerba Mate products are the components with anti-inflammatory properties. And the antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium present in it strengthen your immune system and promote health.
Blood Sugar Level
Yerba mate helps to reduce the complications of diabetes and decrease blood sugar. It is also said to decrease the formation of advanced glycation end-products, which are involved in the worsening of many health diseases. It also improves insulin signaling.
Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
In today’s time, many people are suffering from heart disease, they do need to take care of their health. The antioxidants caffeoyl derivatives and polyphenols present in the Yerba Mate helps to protect against heart disease. Thus many people buy Yerba Mate products for this reason as well.
Yerba Mate also helps to prevent infections from bacteria, fungi, and parasites. A fungus, known as Malassezia furfur, which is responsible for dandruff, skin rashes, and scaly skin, is also prevented by Yerba mate.
Thus, the numerous health benefits provided by Yerba Mate, which attract most of the people to buy Yerba Mate products.