All companies require to print large amounts of stationery for marketing purpose or records. These include forms, letterheads, diaries, envelopes, and other company-specific items. The frequency of their requirement varies according to their goal. Some items being needed on a daily basis while others are used only on specific occasions. However, the overall volume of all items put together is enormous. For this reason, to ensure both quality and quantity, hiring a high-quality stationery printing service is the best option.
However, choosing the correct printing service is equally important and some factors have to be kept in mind, including the required volume of each stationery item.
Factors Determining the Selection of a High-Quality Stationery Printing Service:
#1 Thorough Research: Research is essential and includes a number of steps. Initially, an Internet search reveals precise details like the variety of printing and contact information. Information can also be gathered from others who have used or are using their services. The final step is to visit the organization and see to whether it is suitable or not.
#2 The Volume of Printed Material required: This varies according to each company and also the stationery printing organization. Therefore, the company has to shortlist printing services willing to print the required volume. The next step is to make the final selection in combination with other factors.
#3 High-quality Printing: The quality of the print is an important determinant. Consistently good and high-quality print gives a professional look to the stationery documents. This has a positive impact on employees and especially clients. It provides the company with a professional standing and outlook. Therefore, taking the trouble of selecting and hiring a high-quality stationery printing service is crucial.
#4 An Accommodating Organization: The printing service should be obliging and willing to accommodate various needs. It should listen to and understand specific requirements. Most importantly, it should communicate any problems that arise and before taking all final decisions.
#5 Work Samples: These indicate whether the printing service is using the “latest technology” or not. A high-quality stationery printing service will do so as it ensures the best printing quality. Physically going to the organization and seeing the samples firsthand gives you the best idea of the type and quality of work they do.
#6 Uniform Quality of Print: Printing services are accustomed to produce large volumes of printed material. As a result, they can ensure the consistent quality of the print. They have a certain predefined format options that guarantee uniformity.
#7 Improvement in Aesthetics: A high-quality stationery printing service can make stationery esthetically pleasing and professional. This means uniformity and simplicity. It includes, for example, a printed document with adequate ly aligned margins, even spacing, proper numbering and no smudging. As good printing services have professionals and the option to choose the best quality printing paper, this is possible.
#8 Proper Placement of the Company Logo: This is especially important for the letterhead, business cards, envelopes, diaries and other documents that are shared with clients. This gives a professional look and leads to brand marketing.
#9 Expense: For any company, it is less expensive to hire a high-quality stationery printing service than to get the printing done in-house. In-house printing leads to inconsistencies, non-uniformity, an unprofessional outlook, low quality and difficulties in keeping up with the volume.
Stationery Printing Services have a number of Advantages:
Professionals who can set fixed parameters for each printing requirement, including color, layout, margins, font size and other criteria, and
Machinery that can handle large volumes and use high-quality paper.
All these together ensure good quality professional stationery for any company.